

Gettysburg: A Time for Heroes

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Gettysburg: A Time for Heroes

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The battle begins with no troops around Gettysburg. Lee and Meade are not entirely sure about the arrival order of their troops; some may arrive a little early, while others may be significantly delayed.

For the Confederates, victory will be achieved, depending on the current half-day, by occupying strategic points on the battlefield. However, the longer the battle lasts, the more challenging victory becomes. The Union must prevent the occupation of these points at all costs, but be cautious not to lead to the collapse of the Army of the Potomac by losing 3 Army Corps in this struggle.

The outcome of this fratricidal war will largely depend on the fate of this battle...

Ficha técnica
Idioma Inglés
Número Jugadores 2
Edad mínima recomendada 14+
Duración 60-120 minutos
Editorial Worthington Games

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