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Crisis: 1914

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Crisis: 1914

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78,54 €

89,25 €

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Crisis: 1914 is a game of international brinkmanship - if you back down too soon, you lose. If you back down too late you lose.

But you also have hawks and doves in your cabinet and in your government, and out of these conflicting views you must somehow formulate a coherent response to the crisis to win the day and prevent war.

Designed for 1 to 5 players with a solitaire engine, and playable in under 2 hours. There are 3 interrelated concepts at the heart of Crisis: 1914: Prestige, Tension, and Diplomatic Pressure (DP).

Prestige is how you win. The player with the most Prestige at the end of the game is the winner.

Página del Juego en la BGG

Ficha técnica
Idioma Inglés
Número Jugadores 1-5
Edad mínima recomendada 14+
Duración 120 minutos

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