

Victory: World War II (2nd Edition) (Inglés)

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Victory: World War II

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64,68 €

73,50 €

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The Classic World War 2 Sandbox Game updated and with improved mechanics, more Unit Types and streamlined gameplay!

Victory is a fast-paced Strategy Game of World War 2 Combat using the popular Columbia Block System where each Unit is facing the Player, but not the Opponent! This "fog-of-war" aspect allows for feints, bluffs and outright surprises not found in many other Wargames! Victory is a combined Arms Wargame where you command a variable Force of Army, Navy and Air Units all with different strengths and abilities.

And now, by popular demand, Columbia Games has re-released Victory with the Elite Units (which have since been tweaked and modified) included with the main game! This gives Victory even more depth with torpedo bombers, engineers, supply units and more!

Página del Juego en la BGG

Ficha técnica
Idioma Inglés
Número Jugadores 2
Edad mínima recomendada 12+
Duración 60-240 minutos
Editorial Columbia Games

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