

Vae Victis 167: Nabis, Le Dernier Spartiate, 195 av. J.C. (Francés)

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VaeVictis 167: Nabis, le dernier Spartiate 195 av. I.-C.

Nabis, le dernier Spartiate is the 2nd Wargame of the "Au Fil de l'Épée" Antiquity Series after "Alexandre contre la Perse".

In 195 BC, the King of Sparta Nabis sees his diplomatic maneuvers collapse. The powerful Roman Legions of the Proconsul Titus Quinctius Flamininus invade Laconia, accompanied by Troops of the Achaean League. Refugee in Sparta with his motley Army, Nabis fights a last combat to try to save his City. The Game proposes to replay this Battle which begins with a Confrontation on the open ground and extends into Street Fighting, where all tactical stratagems, including the Arson of the City, are good for repelling the Romans.

Can you save Sparta's Independence or will you plant the Eagle of Rome in the heart of the City of Lycurgus?

Página del Juego en la BGG

Ficha técnica
Idioma Francés
Número Jugadores 2
Edad mínima recomendada 13+
Duración 120-180 minutos
Editorial Vae Victis

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